Llanite (Que Sera Stone / Vulcanite) – (Heart & Third Eye Chakras) – (Zodiac of Aquarius & Sagittarius)
Harmony and grace while you let go of what was.
Llanite or Que Sera is a soothing stone that helps us to achieve a state of grace. It promotes co-operation between people and turns a negative outlook into a positive one, allowing solutions to be reached. Llanite can help us to focus our mental, physical, psychic and spiritual powers to maximum effect.
This gemstone helps us to stop dwelling on current, past, or future life problems, and shifts our focus to finding productive solutions to problems. Llanite enables us to “disconnect” from the emotional baggage of an issue and look at it objectively. This allows us to determine the actual cause of the problem and find a resolution. This crystal also helps us release unnecessary attachment to problems of the past.