Irie Essence
Irie Essence

Irie Essence

Vendor Biography

My name is Jamiliah !

I have my Master’s of Social Work degree from the illustrious, Clark Atlanta University.

I graduated from Howard University with my Bachelor’s of Science in Psychology in 2018.

I was born in Kingston, Jamaica and migrated to Washington, D.C. at the age of 6.

 Combining all 3 essential areas of my life, I was able to create Irie Essence! Irie Essence is simply more than just gel wax candles. I design each candle to bring peace, serenity, and good vibes to your living space. I aim to give people the tools they need to relieve stress, anxiety, or depression with Irie Essence candles. The beach theme was inspired by the love I have for the beach and seashells. I would always collect seashells when I went to the beach and try to hear the ocean when I held them to my ear. The turtle in my logo represents me. If you had to compare your personality /tendencies to an animal, which animal would it be? Mine would be a turtle! I often explain what I mean by bringing up the classic folktale story, The Tortoise and The Hare ( Everyone, especially the Hare, underestimated the Tortoise’s abilities to win the race. The Tortoise also thought outside of the box to win. Also, turtles are very adventurous until they sense danger, they hideaway in their shell. All of those qualities remind me of my personality and tendencies. I also think turtles are extremely adorable!


Irie Essence candles are handmade by me with my positive energy, love and care. I create jars full of an aroma that brought me relief and peace when I made it. Passing on peace and relief to the rest of the world is the least I could do to help mankind.


“All the scars you get from the obstacles you face in life are your beauty marks.”
