Yeyeo Queen Steam
Yeyeo Queen Steam

Yeyeo Queen Steam

Vendor Biography

It has many benefits easing cramps during mensuration, balancing vaginal dryness, tears after vaginal birth, and many more.

 our herbs are grown in mineral-rich soil which gives the highest quality on the market.

Yoni steaming help in my personal life I have my own battles with womb related issues 2 years ago I was diagnosed with PCOS Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome.

I was told that I would have cancer in 3 years! 

I wasn’t going to take that so I looked into other methods of taking care of my womb found out about an ancient practice (not a trend)

I took every dried herb in my cabinet and added it to a pot and sat over it! 

not the best idea but I felt a lot better after my 2nd month of steaming my PCOS symptoms subsided by 50% I changed my diet and started taking care of my womb.

I’ve always been into herbs and the healing properties in July I became a certified Yoni Practitioner and Yeyeo Queen Steam Was Born.

I want women all over the world to celebrate our Yoni’s and our Wombs! 

Founder & CEO of Yeyeo Queen Steam – Ariel Aiyegunle.